This year in Central Texas, a new event launched that truly celebrated and honor what this day is all about. Reveille Call was created to bring civilians and veterans/active duty military and law enforcement (our protectors of the homeland) together as one.
The day started off with a church service bringing Pastor Rodney McGee & a large Hill Country Fellowship congregation together. During this patriotic-themed service, Pastor McGee had a special guest speaker, LTC Eric Strong from the 3d Cavalry Regiment out of Fort Hood. LTC Strong is home on a rehab assignment, as he was wounded in battle just a few months ago. His words were moving to say the least...
The pavilion was crowded with 800 plus, who sat focused, and listening intently. It was a celebration of the American Solider but also of the American veteran.
The Tradition Games kicked off following the 11:11 ceremony, where over 200 lined up to kick off the first part of the competition. Half military/law enforcement and half civilians matched into teams
Following the 5K Race, the teams headed to compete on the 5.11 obstacle course. This is a tough course that requires a steady pace and a lot of teamwork. Some completed the course quickly & some took time to strategize, but all teams finished the course.
Team Holbert is a group of 10 made up of former West Point grads, Special Forces Veterans, Active duty military and even Texas DPS leaders. One very special competitor on this team is Mark Holbert. Mark grew up in a military family and in 1996 joined the Armed Forces himself. In 2004, he graduated from Special Forces Qualification Course and continued serving his country in this capacity and thru four tours in Afghanistan. On a hot & sunny day,10 August 2010, in the Hemland Province, Mark was assisting two Marines when he stepped on an IED. This incident resulted in Mark losing two fingers, his right leg below the knee and left leg to his hip (following complications while healing). Mark is no stranger to daunting tasks but has worked tirelessly in his rehabilitation and he came to compete!
After completing the obstacle course, each team heads over to the "Tradition Games". Participants walk over to "the hill" which in my mind resembled the Scottish Highlands (ok, so not so steep and sans snow) complete with sounds of bagpipes and drums and classic wooden targets. The games consisted of: a tomahawk throw, tug-of-war, spear toss, mag load relay, dummy grenade toss, door breach/dummy drag and a knife toss. There was a lot of laughter, as most competitors were attempting these tasks for the first time, and some were throwback to childhood... when's the last time you competed in tug-of-war? Over a soap and water coated tarp? Some games were challenging and participants handled them with ease. Some required teamwork and strategy... breach the 5.11 Tactical door and carry a dummy thru the course- The Burnet Fire Department did pretty well on this one!
Simultaneous to the Tradition Games, an 11-Mile March began shortly and was designed for anyone that wanted to come together to walk o run (as much or little as they like) to honor those that have served.
Reveille Call is a fun day of competition and camaraderie but it serves a greater purpose. With over 22 veterans a day committing suicide, it's OUR duty to come together as Patriots and bridge the gap or fill this void. Reveille Call is a once-a-year event centered around Veteran's Day but the funds raised will be used to host events throughout the year to KEEP this blended community coming together. Bonds were established and friendships formed at this year's inaugural event and the purpose of Reveille Call is to continue to grow this network. Next year, Reveille Call will be held in more than a dozen locations nationwide.
America is strong and it's time we all answer the call.
Get involved- follow us on Facebook & Twitter:, @ReveilleCall
Military/LE that competed in the Reveille Call Tradition Games 2014 included:
Leander HS JROTC
1st Cavalry Regiment, Ft Hood, TX
3d Cavalry Regiment, Ft Hood, TX
C-Company 2-227th, Witchdoctors, Ft Hood, TX
Williamson County Medics
Round Rock SWAT
Burnet Fire Department
Marine Veterans
Team Holbert (West Point, SF Vets, TXANG)
Texas DPS
Office of Attorney General
Team RWB
MOPH 1919