If you're looking for events to get involved with or have an event you'd like help getting the word out for, check out this calendar and send events to me ashleykamrath@yahoo.com with a flyer and detailed description.
Military Non-Profit Event Calendar
The Real Heroes
"The Real Heroes" was created to tell the stories of patriotism, heroism, selflessness and love of country. We constantly talk, read and hear about celebrities, musicians, sports figures and politicians, but where would any of us be without the men and women that have raised their hands to defend our right to do so? These are our brothers and sisters, our sons and daughters, and our mothers and fathers. These are our Real Heroes.
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Honor Flight Austin
Friday 10 April
I woke up “stupid
early” (as I call it) in Dallas after two days at the TTPOA (Texas Tactical
Police Officer’s Association) Conference to catch a flight back to Austin.
Good thing I work for a company that makes really good
backpacks (www.511tactical.com)! Landed in Austin just in time to walk out to
my Jeep in the parking garage, drop off my Sandstone Rush 12 and pick up my Black
Rush 12 I’d already packed before leaving for Dallas and walk back in.
The Honor Flight Austin crew is so well organized, and with
this being their 22nd flight, the check-in process is smooth as
Irish Whiskey. Forty World War II Veterans will take part in this amazing
36-hour journey to DC & back.
Each veteran is assigned a Guardian (sometimes a family
member and many times just a Patriot that wants to help take part in this
incredible project) and wheelchair upon arrival. After a very quick shuffle
thru Security at ABIA, the Veterans, guardians and any family that wants to be
a part of the send-off will line up at one end of the long terminal.

A few weeks prior to our trip, we’d gone to the home of Mr.
Jack Maroney, a WWII Veteran that served on the USS Enterprise (the “Big E”). He has many incredible stories I’m so thrilled to share in our
piece. He is also quite a character so, as you can imagine, hilarious comments
and conversations are a regular occurrence with him and my abs got a workout
for an hour and a half.
Once everyone had arrived, we lined up the wheelchairs and
slowly walked down the terminal following the Honor Guard and bagpipers. It is
very much like a parade and the passengers at each gate line the hallway and
clap and cheer for the Veterans. Some are so moved, they walk out to the
Veterans and shake their hands. Needless to say, tears of gratitude are in
abundance from both groups.

Mayor of Austin, Steve Adler and Former Mayor Lee Leffingwell also joined us on this trip, which was a huge treat as they both have military roots. Prior to boarding, they said a few words and then Sport Clips presented a large check to Honor Flight Austin.
After the boarding process, which you can imagine took much
longer than normal, we were all given sandwiches and snacks. Jonathan Uhl (good
friend and Emmy Award winning Photographer of the Year) and I made a quick bet
that Mr. Maroney would give me hell when he saw I hadn’t saved him a seat and
was sitting between two other men… Well, we were both on the same side of the
bet so we both won ;). Austin Fire Department was on the tarmac with two fire
trucks & our Southwest Airlines plane was routed between them as they
engaged the big hoses with the Shower of Gratitude crossing over us.

The flight was spent prepping for our segment and the crazy busy 36 hours that lie ahead. Although, I did pause to have the flight attendant “send Jack Maroney a drink from the blonde in the front of the plane” ;) Dan Sheffler (also Emmy Award winning photographer and friend) and Jonathan were rolling their eyes and laughing at me but later Mr. Maroney told me it saved him because none of “the boys in the back ordered a drink until you sent that one to me” ;) Anytime, Jack!
The flight was spent prepping for our segment and the crazy busy 36 hours that lie ahead. Although, I did pause to have the flight attendant “send Jack Maroney a drink from the blonde in the front of the plane” ;) Dan Sheffler (also Emmy Award winning photographer and friend) and Jonathan were rolling their eyes and laughing at me but later Mr. Maroney told me it saved him because none of “the boys in the back ordered a drink until you sent that one to me” ;) Anytime, Jack!
Once we arrived in DC, we slowly de-planed and were met with
a greeting as equally warm as our departure from ABIA. I got to walk with Mr.
Maroney and again, he was very moved. At one point he leaned over to me and
said, “Its so touching all these people would take the time out of their day to
come greet us”.
After loading everyone up onto two large tour buses we
headed off to the hotel for the evening. My little crew met a gentleman by the
name of Eugene, from our DC affiliate. He is, hands down, one of the
nicest gentleman I’ve met and fortunately came along with us on Saturday to
help with camera, equipment, logistics and driving. He was awesome and did it
with the best attitude and gratitude ever!
After we ate, Mr. Bergeron got up to say a few words and
thank many long-time volunteers in attendance and then he did something I was
so grateful for- he asked the WWII Veterans to share stories if they like.
We spent the next 45 minutes or so listening to tales from
seven decades ago, some hilarious and some heartbreaking. The Veterans were humble, happy and so
thankful for this experience, just like me!
Our crew headed to the hotel bar for another quick
production meeting and quick hang out with a Marine friend that lives in DC and
some of the Honor Flight team before adjourning to our rooms and getting a
little shut eye before the early Reveille.
Alarm goes off, hit snooze, alarm goes off, snooze… and then
the loud hotel phone rings (thankfully….) and it’s up and at ‘em. Get camera
ready, guzzle three cups of coffee and head downstairs to meet the crew!
If you’ve never been to DC, imagine your town’s city center and then quadruple it and add a lot of monuments scattered around. It’s a pain in the neck getting around that town and to add to the chaos, it was a Saturday and the Cherry Blossom Festival! Yikes. WELL, as I’ve already stated, Honor
Flight Austin has their stuff together, so we were escorted around ALL day by
police escort. Roll out the red carpet, our Veterans are here! It was so
cool (and the Veterans thought so too!)

When we first arrived, we pulled up to the WWII Veterans Memorial. I saw a gentleman in vintage war uniform and asked if I could borrow his helmet. He obliged... and although I probably didn't look it, I felt cool and the Veterans got a laugh.
When we first arrived, we pulled up to the WWII Veterans Memorial. I saw a gentleman in vintage war uniform and asked if I could borrow his helmet. He obliged... and although I probably didn't look it, I felt cool and the Veterans got a laugh.
We snuck off to shoot some standups before meeting back up with the group in the middle of the monument for a quick ceremony. One of the great things about having the veterans in a large group is the impression it makes on passersby and children.
Jack shook hands and kissed babies all day long and it was fun to watch, especially because he so thoroughly enjoyed it.
We spent a good hour walking around the monument and taking pictures and many Veterans were telling stories. I walked over to my favorite quote on the monument that I’ve taken pics of half a dozen times and saw & captured a site I won’t ever forget….
"Our debt to the heroic men and valiant women in the service of our country can never be repaid. They have earned our undying gratitude. America will never forget their sacrifices." -Harry S. Truman
We proceeded to the Vietnam wall and monument and shot a few
more stand-ups, periodically running into Veterans from our group, all with
huge grins on their faces, before meeting back up with the buses and heading
over to Arlington Cemetery.
I remember being 16 years old, visiting Arlington for the
first time and it was the coldest I had ever been. I remember my legs were so
cold they burned. I remembered seeing
the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the Kennedy flame and I remember what an
impact that made on me as a young teenager.
Well this day was all sunshine and beautiful. We ventured up
to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and got there just in time for the Changing
of the Guard and the Wreath Laying ceremony, which, to our surprise included
some WWII Veterans from Austin, Texas!
We pause this blog to mention a dear friend of mine that
serves in the Old Guard currently and although I didn’t get to see him that
day, please check out his amazing song- Fallen Soldier: (Nathan Fair Fallen Soldier) #FreedomNation

Our crew got another stand-up in the can and on to the next stop!
It was only 2pm and our flight wasn’t until 5:30pm but we
were exhausted! When we got back on the road, our trip took a slight detour
because we were supposed to go see a few more monuments but there was a lock
down at the capitol. We later found out someone had committed suicide on the
capitol steps :/, so we stopped by the Pentagon instead and toured the memorial
there. I sat and talked to Mr. Maroney for a while outside the bus, and really
enjoy his stories and the love he has for his beautiful wife Joyce, his family and
his country. I am thankful this trip has allowed our paths to cross.

We headed back to the airport, shuffled thru security and I spent the next hour doing recon missions for beer for some of my new buddies. J We boarded and took off back for Austin. I want to take a moment to say how instrumental Southwest Airlines is in this process. Getting 40 WWII Veterans on and off planes in a timely manner, etc is no small feat. They are a First Class organization.

Another veteran kept pulling dollar bills out of his letters and he explained to me he always sends a few bucks to his grandkids, so now they’ve done the same for him. Mr. Alexander, sitting right in front of me received over 100 letters in his envelope! I also found out one of the young female Marine Guardians always writes her Veteran a letter too. I was kicking myself for not writing Jack a note but we’re gonna go grab dinner back in Austin so I’ll be sure to make that happen ;)

If you’re interested in getting involved with Honor Flight
Austin to provide monetary support, want to volunteer as a Guardian, or even
know a Veteran interested in going on a trip, visit HonorFlightAustin.org. There will be Korea Veteran, Vietnam Veteran
and Purple Heart Veteran trips as well in the coming years.
When I was interviewing Mr. Maroney the first time, I
referred to our World War II Veterans as “the Greatest Generation” and he very
quickly stopped me. “Ashley, we aren’t the Greatest Generation,” he said, “Our
Greatest Generation was our Founding Fathers.” I will never forget that.
Thank you to all of the men and women who have so
courageously raised their hands and been called to serve our great country. And
thank you to both of our Greatest Generations. Freedom isn’t Free. Let’s
continue to thank, honor and remember our Veterans, including those who never
came home.
THE DOCUMENTARY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnexlfGWYc0
THE DOCUMENTARY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnexlfGWYc0
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Military Appreciation Night at the Dell Diamond!
Each year, the Triple A affiliate for the Texas Rangers Baseball Team, the Round Rock Express, dedicates one full night of baseball to our men and women in uniform that have served our great country.
This year is no exception and we're doing a very special Military Appreciation Night at the Dell Diamond this year- on Memorial Day.
May 25th at 7:05pm will kick off a great evening of baseball and a program full of Military honorees including Military heroes, families and moments to honor those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice.
Join us for this great evening, bring your entire family and let's spend Memorial Day as it was intended- Honoring our nation's military heroes that have given it all.
Ashley Kamrath,
Camp Mabry,
Dell Diamond,
Fort Hood,
Jeff Kyle,
Memorial Day,
Memorial Day Weekend,
Memorial May,
Round Rock,
Round Rock Express,
Scooter Brown,
Thursday, December 11, 2014
A Christmas Wish for an Airman in need.
Yesterday I was contacted by a social worker in San Antonio about a 21-year-old active duty Airman First Class who is battling Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia & has undergone an unrelated stem cell transplant. This young man is currently in ICU and needs our help this Christmas.
Imagine being 21 years old and fighting for your life at Christmas time. This Airman could really use something uplifting in his life right now and I want to help give it to him.
Please write a card, letter or note to Christopher this week, put it in an envelope
and mail it by Dec 17th to:
Ashley Kamrath
c/o Christmas for Christopher
101 Colorado, #2007
Austin, TX 78748
I will see to it that this young man receives your messages (please share with your teacher friends as well to get their classes to write a quick note) this Christmas and his mother will read them to him. A simple act of kindness can go a long way and this one doesn't take but a few minutes and a stamp. Thanks for your help, Support Our Troops & Merry Christmas, ya'll!
God Bless,
Imagine being 21 years old and fighting for your life at Christmas time. This Airman could really use something uplifting in his life right now and I want to help give it to him.
Please write a card, letter or note to Christopher this week, put it in an envelope
and mail it by Dec 17th to:
Ashley Kamrath
c/o Christmas for Christopher
101 Colorado, #2007
Austin, TX 78748
I will see to it that this young man receives your messages (please share with your teacher friends as well to get their classes to write a quick note) this Christmas and his mother will read them to him. A simple act of kindness can go a long way and this one doesn't take but a few minutes and a stamp. Thanks for your help, Support Our Troops & Merry Christmas, ya'll!
God Bless,
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
A New Tradition for Veteran's Day. Reveille Call
This year in Central Texas, a new event launched that truly celebrated and honor what this day is all about. Reveille Call was created to bring civilians and veterans/active duty military and law enforcement (our protectors of the homeland) together as one.
The day started off with a church service bringing Pastor Rodney McGee & a large Hill Country Fellowship congregation together. During this patriotic-themed service, Pastor McGee had a special guest speaker, LTC Eric Strong from the 3d Cavalry Regiment out of Fort Hood. LTC Strong is home on a rehab assignment, as he was wounded in battle just a few months ago. His words were moving to say the least...
The pavilion was crowded with 800 plus, who sat focused, and listening intently. It was a celebration of the American Solider but also of the American veteran.
The Tradition Games kicked off following the 11:11 ceremony, where over 200 lined up to kick off the first part of the competition. Half military/law enforcement and half civilians matched into teams
Following the 5K Race, the teams headed to compete on the 5.11 obstacle course. This is a tough course that requires a steady pace and a lot of teamwork. Some completed the course quickly & some took time to strategize, but all teams finished the course.
Team Holbert is a group of 10 made up of former West Point grads, Special Forces Veterans, Active duty military and even Texas DPS leaders. One very special competitor on this team is Mark Holbert. Mark grew up in a military family and in 1996 joined the Armed Forces himself. In 2004, he graduated from Special Forces Qualification Course and continued serving his country in this capacity and thru four tours in Afghanistan. On a hot & sunny day,10 August 2010, in the Hemland Province, Mark was assisting two Marines when he stepped on an IED. This incident resulted in Mark losing two fingers, his right leg below the knee and left leg to his hip (following complications while healing). Mark is no stranger to daunting tasks but has worked tirelessly in his rehabilitation and he came to compete!
After completing the obstacle course, each team heads over to the "Tradition Games". Participants walk over to "the hill" which in my mind resembled the Scottish Highlands (ok, so not so steep and sans snow) complete with sounds of bagpipes and drums and classic wooden targets. The games consisted of: a tomahawk throw, tug-of-war, spear toss, mag load relay, dummy grenade toss, door breach/dummy drag and a knife toss. There was a lot of laughter, as most competitors were attempting these tasks for the first time, and some were throwback to childhood... when's the last time you competed in tug-of-war? Over a soap and water coated tarp? Some games were challenging and participants handled them with ease. Some required teamwork and strategy... breach the 5.11 Tactical door and carry a dummy thru the course- The Burnet Fire Department did pretty well on this one!
Simultaneous to the Tradition Games, an 11-Mile March began shortly and was designed for anyone that wanted to come together to walk o run (as much or little as they like) to honor those that have served.
Reveille Call is a fun day of competition and camaraderie but it serves a greater purpose. With over 22 veterans a day committing suicide, it's OUR duty to come together as Patriots and bridge the gap or fill this void. Reveille Call is a once-a-year event centered around Veteran's Day but the funds raised will be used to host events throughout the year to KEEP this blended community coming together. Bonds were established and friendships formed at this year's inaugural event and the purpose of Reveille Call is to continue to grow this network. Next year, Reveille Call will be held in more than a dozen locations nationwide.
America is strong and it's time we all answer the call.
Get involved- follow us on Facebook & Twitter: Facebook.com/ReveilleCall, @ReveilleCall
Military/LE that competed in the Reveille Call Tradition Games 2014 included:
Leander HS JROTC
1st Cavalry Regiment, Ft Hood, TX
3d Cavalry Regiment, Ft Hood, TX
C-Company 2-227th, Witchdoctors, Ft Hood, TX
Williamson County Medics
Round Rock SWAT
Burnet Fire Department
Marine Veterans
Team Holbert (West Point, SF Vets, TXANG)
Texas DPS
Office of Attorney General
Team RWB
MOPH 1919
1st Cav,
3d CR,
Ashley Kamrath,
Central Texas,
Fort Hood,
Reveille Call,
Reveille Peak,
Tradition Games,
U.S. Air Force,
U.S. Army,
Veterans Day,
Vol Montgomery
Sunday, August 10, 2014
4 August 2014
(DISCLAIMER... This was written just as I'd tell it. Forgive the punctuation and grammar mistakes and please just enjoy!)
(DISCLAIMER... This was written just as I'd tell it. Forgive the punctuation and grammar mistakes and please just enjoy!)

It won’t be my first visit to the Depot… I may or may not
have gone there before to say hi to some old friends, play a quick joke on the
Brigadier General, and do some off-shore fishin... but that’s a whole ‘nother
I very often get opportunities for troops (sporting events,
concert tickets, hunting trips, etc) and truly do my best to share the wealth
with all military branches in my network. It seems here lately, my Marine Corps
contacts have been extremely eager and accessible for these events! So about 6
months ago, I was approached with an opportunity FROM them!
Come spend a week at our Marine Corps Recruiting Depot with
our recruits and drill sergeants and see how we roll.
Where do I sign up?!
Naturally, I had to fill out an application and it was a
military-length process before getting approved and accepted but I was
thrilled, nonetheless, when I received the “You’re In” call.
It didn’t occur to me to be nervous until my first official
brief a week ago. I consider myself a fairly tough Texas gal who very often
heard “Put on your big girl panties and deal with it” while growing up.
However, this isn’t some Summer Camp in the mountains… This
is the United States Marine Corps. The Few, The Proud. The “Once a Marine,
Always a Marine” crowd. The group that is immediately recognized the moment
they walk in the room… the perfect uniform, the perfect haircut, the perfect
posture and the aura that surrounds them. My brother-in-law was/is (however that goes) a
Marine, and while he’s been out of the Corps for years, he still carries
himself as such.
Needless to say, I didn’t feel as confident putting my boots
(cowboy, not combat) on this morning as I normally do, but here we go!
Upon arriving and checking in (no, we didn't stay in the Squad Bay/Barracks), we had a reception dinner. Not a bad start... "Welcome to Marine Corps 101, would you like chocolate or red velvet cake with dinner?"! A quick introduction and brief on the week followed by meeting our Drill Instructors (no, they are not called Drill Sergeants in the Marine Corps and don't make the mistake of calling them that in a room full of them, Trust Me).
After this, myself and the other two media attendees were taken over to MCRD (Marine Corps Recruiting Depot) to witness about 90 new recruits arriving at Boot Camp.
Have you ever watched a Go-Pro video from a skydiver's point of view and felt butterflies in your stomach? This is what it's like to be an observer at the "Yellow Footprints". I'd never heard of these infamous footprints before but they're certainly not something I'll soon forget. Perfectly placed bright yellow footprints waiting to greet nervous young men starting out on perhaps the most significant journey of their young lives.
The buses pull up, screech to a halt and a Drill Instructor boards. After 30 seconds of very specific instructions in a very loud, clear and deep voice, he yells- "NOW GET OFF MY BUS!" The recruits, stumbling all over themselves, are then greeted by more DI's as soon as they get off the bus... "MOVE, MOVE, MOVE! LINE UP. LINE UP. LINE UP!"
Sure, some of it is what you've seen in the movies. But nothing can describe the feeling I had standing there watching it from a few feet away. Nervousness, tension, shaky hands, shifting eyes. Pure and utter fright. And that was just me! ;)
While the lead DI is up instructing the recruits, the other DI's are walking in and out of the lines briskly, yelling at the fumblers taking too long.
One young recruit was put to the test early.
The older recruit across from him picked his bag up in such a hurry his wallet went flying and landed on the floor next to the young man. The DI came by and yelled, "PICK IT UP, PICK IT UP! YOU DON'T DROP YOUR WALLET, PICK ITTTTT UUUUUP".
Part of me wanted to intervene- "Um, excuse me Mr. Drill Instructor, sir...that's not his wallet! It actually belongs to the guys across from him who's currently freaking out because his wallet went flying across the room."
Naturally I wouldn't have but there's no stopping, there's no explaining. In Marine Corps boot camp, there's DI's, their recruits and one greater mission. They have to break these young men to build them up again.
Just like watching a video from the skydiver's point of view, I was nervous while in the contraband room. My heart was pounding, I caught myself holding my breath and at times, even I had sweaty palms. The young men were SO young, and even the few who were closer to my age (who are still very young... naturally ;) were just as cautious and quick to react.
"PLACE EVERYTHING IN YOUR POCKETS INTO THE GREEN BAG AND HOLD IT UP, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" (yes, everything typed in bold caps lock is a DI yelling...)
"AYE AYE SIR" 90 recruits respond.
"AYE AYE SIR" 90 recruits respond.
Ha, 15 seconds doesn't mean 15 seconds. It means you had better complete the task as quickly as humanly possible... with sweaty palms and shaky hands and a DI in your face.

That's all she wrote. When I first read the script, I thought WOW! That's it?!?
But of COURSE that's it. Outside world no longer exists for a Marine Recruit. They can't call and complain to momma or ask how things are going at home. Frankly, it doesn't matter! Like I said before. They are in the VERY early stages of being broken so they can be built, a Marine.
But of COURSE that's it. Outside world no longer exists for a Marine Recruit. They can't call and complain to momma or ask how things are going at home. Frankly, it doesn't matter! Like I said before. They are in the VERY early stages of being broken so they can be built, a Marine.
The next stops are the haircuts and uniform issue. The buzz cuts ARE just like the movies, sit, head back, "do you have any scars or moles?" bzzzzzzzzzzzz. Following that, the recruits stay up all night and their 13-week adventure has begun.
I asked one of the DI's how he avoids headaches... he laughed.
My other thought was that I was standing in the room with greatness. There were 90 young brave souls writing that blank check that unfortunately so many have had to cash. I've talked about it on my radio show and in many different speeches but to actually get to observe it was so special, I can't put it into words.
This isn't a group of individuals that think, I'll go have an easy four years in the military and get out and go to college... This is already a group of warriors that raised their right hand in a time of war to be the best of the best in defense of our country.
Capt McLean, a very well-put together Marine was to be our guide for the week. He boasted over a decade of service, a good haircut, a perfect uniform, a ridiculously loud voice and horrible taste in football (quack quack).
We loaded up on the Marine School Bus and Mr. Bill took us over to MCRD to the Yellow Footprints. Yes, they gave our crew the same treatment as the recruits I'd seen the night before. Some of our team were nonchalant at first, for about 5 whole seconds. The DI's didn't let up. One young lady had a phone in her hand after being instructed to stand with her arms across her chest (I really don't think she even realized it) and got something else handed to her in the mean time.....
Following the 15-minute "presentation" from the DI's, our group of 30 were escorted into the "Moment of Truth" room (where the DI's have the whole "okay, are you SURE there's nothing else you haven't filled us in on" conversation #FUN! ;). Fortunately, we were just given some Marine Corps history and statistics by the Chief of Staff & CO- The Purpose, Core Values, Benefits & Qualifications. "We are the Most ready when the Nation is least ready and we make sure our recruits are medically, physically & morally fit." I was really impressed to find the attrition rate of recruits is approximately 5% thru boot camp. Proof that not only are the recruiters doing an outstanding job, but also that the support staff and program is top-notch. They WANT you to succeed but they have to make sure you earn the right.
My favorite quote of the day- "We make Marines, win battles and return better citizens to the nation".
After a few hours in briefs (which apparently is a large portion of training AND military life), we went outside to the obstacle course. There were recruits everywhere, DI's yelling and a few Marines to show us the obstacle course. It was intense but they completed it with ease. We asked some questions about qualifying times and such. I probably could have completed it in the time allotted (times twenty-seven) but for liability purposes we did not participate.
On to the Swim Demonstration which, as a former lifeguard, I found interesting.

They DID show us how to blow up pants in the water to make a floating device so at least I've got that in case a situation should ever arise!
Can you imagine? They informed us some recruits have never spent any time in the water and there is actually a VERY small percentage that don't make it because they can't pass the water confidence test. While we were there, a young recruit was getting trained by himself for this very reason. His DI's were so patient and encouraging. (not adjectives you'd think to hear when referring to DI's, huh?)
After the swim demo, we went to an Education brief at the Museum. I was starving (time change) at this point so didn't retain as much as I'd hoped but I will tell you this... the USMC has thought of EVERYTHING and the opportunities as and Enlisted Marine or Officer are endless when it comes to higher education. So much is provided for our Marines, it would be a pity that one not take advantage of it.
We went over to the Chow Hall to have lunch (finally!) and I had the privilege of sitting with a Marine Recruit in Phase 3 (getting close to the end) from Luling, TX! I used to Emcee the Tom Webb Benefit in Luling every year so we immediately hit it off and found common ground.
One of the things about Marine Corps Boot Camp is that the recruits have to refer to themselves in third person. "This recruit would prefer not to answer that question, ma'am, because this recruit got in trouble early on in boot camp for answering that question wrong and his Drill Instructor found out about it, ma'am." Stay where you are, translator, I'm getting the hang of this!
Recruit Sayles was a joy to talk to. I asked him why he joined the Marine Corps and he said to prove to himself he could do it. He told me he knew it would be one of the toughest challenges he'd ever face and he was actually looking forward to the Crucible (more on that later).
Cool, calm, collected. I could tell he was in the later stages of training because he knew he was in control. Maybe not of his schedule, his attire, his teammates, or even his choices but he was definitely in control.
That impressed me this week, the Marine Corps doesn't train young men and women to be followers but to become leaders, problem-solvers and teammates.
We walked over to the living quarters after lunch and I started taking in all of the sounds of the Depot. Planes- tons of planes flying right overhead. MCRD San Diego is located right in the heart of the city... RIGHT next to the Airport. The Marines and recruits are used to it, we weren't.
The sound of the DI's singing cadence is deep, meaningful, perfectly pitched and right on time.
I couldn't tell you what they were saying but it was magical. It made me wonder how many young men have found peace in those sounds. A grueling schedule and exhausting tasks with constant loud noise (even if just your heartbeat in your ears) and then... peace... the low pitch and rhythm with slight inflections and march, march, march. It was very special.
The Squad Bay is what most of us think of when we see or hear "barracks". This is where the recruits stay during their 13-week camp. Upon entry, they're greeted, just as we were, by their new DIs. Imagine the yellow footprints scenario but inside your new "residence". It's pretty much just like that. It prepares the recruits for life in "the bay." They are ALWAYS in charge. When the DIs say "lights out"... guess what?
Guided Discussion was one aspect of Boot Camp that caught me off guard. You see, over 30% of the training that goes on at MCBC is ethics-based training. There are multiple classes the recruits go to and courses they go through pertaining to their finances, relationships, family and education. When a DI takes his campaign cover (DI hat) off, it signifies he's ready to be a mentor instead of an instructor. We were allowed into a guided discussion (with the topic "Marriage"- eek) and it was really reassuring to see a DI (cover off) just talking to and with the recruits. "Let's talk about living on base as opposed to off base. Why do you think some Marines would rather live off base?" the DI asks the group of recruits sitting quietly. A young man raises his hand, stands up and replies, "Sir, this recruit believes some Marines would like to live off base to collect BAH (basic allowance for housing)."
It was very raw discussion and it was great to see a DI in the role of mentor while still challenging the young recruits.
Next, we went over to the football field (with a fresh coat of red and black paint, naturally). The CFT is the Combat Fitness Test that all recruits and Marines must pass. Run half a mile, do Ammo Can lifts for 2 minutes and then do a run/crawl/buddy carry/ammo can carry course. While I didn't participate in the last course (due to a ridiculous foot injury by Ipad...), I did do the ammo can lifts. My shoulder muscles were screaming! I came no where NEAR the requirement to be a Marine but I kept going until my time was up. Veeeerrrrryyyyy slowly. The requirements for passing the CFT vary for male and female Marines. Female Marines, which only make up about 6% of the Marine Corps, attend boot camp at Parris Island, South Carolina where they have female squad bays and female DI's.
Once the crew finished on the field, they took us over to check out a Martial Arts Demo. There are so many MOS's (jobs) in the Marine Corps and so many opportunities for furthering education and skills. Martial Arts is one of these opportunities! Four Marines gave us a great demo with fake guns and knives.
Guided Discussion was one aspect of Boot Camp that caught me off guard. You see, over 30% of the training that goes on at MCBC is ethics-based training. There are multiple classes the recruits go to and courses they go through pertaining to their finances, relationships, family and education. When a DI takes his campaign cover (DI hat) off, it signifies he's ready to be a mentor instead of an instructor. We were allowed into a guided discussion (with the topic "Marriage"- eek) and it was really reassuring to see a DI (cover off) just talking to and with the recruits. "Let's talk about living on base as opposed to off base. Why do you think some Marines would rather live off base?" the DI asks the group of recruits sitting quietly. A young man raises his hand, stands up and replies, "Sir, this recruit believes some Marines would like to live off base to collect BAH (basic allowance for housing)."
It was very raw discussion and it was great to see a DI in the role of mentor while still challenging the young recruits.

Segue to the Bayonet Assault Course... Guns & Knives.
It. Was. So. Much. Fun.
To add to the experience, we were in full gear and they had the speakers blaring sound of shooting (plus, I had a throbbing left foot! Felt like a warrior ;), Although, I did have a cheesy grin on my face the entire course because I was having so much fun and apparently you're not supposed to smile (or leave your long hair down) when doing a Bayonet Assault Course. Whoops. What a great day. Learned so much, experienced so much and really having a great time.
Day #3-
Today wasn't such an early call and we headed to Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, where we had the unique opportunity to speak to six active-duty marines in a panel. A ton of questions were asked and many of the answers were informative, many just downright hilarious. "Did any of you participate in ROTC?" a gal from our group asked. Each Marine answered but one said, "Yes, but only for a year because I wanted to grow out my mohawk". Guess he got it out of his system because the kid is quite bald.
I know I've said it once before but I'll reiterate... The Marine Corps has thought of Everything for their recruits, active-duty and veterans. We were taken to the Library, where we learned about the programs available for language advancement and even more opportunities "further education". We also got to hang out at the Enlisted Marine Recreation facility and hear about the programs for single Marines, events & contests they host for those that live on base and I rode a really big tricycle- See?! Something for everyone!
I know I've said it once before but I'll reiterate... The Marine Corps has thought of Everything for their recruits, active-duty and veterans. We were taken to the Library, where we learned about the programs available for language advancement and even more opportunities "further education". We also got to hang out at the Enlisted Marine Recreation facility and hear about the programs for single Marines, events & contests they host for those that live on base and I rode a really big tricycle- See?! Something for everyone!
I had the absolute privilege of observing the Osprey Aircraft in
flight just a few days before arriving at Miramar (at the Oshkosh AirVenture
Fly In). The aircraft is huge, awkward (is it a chopper or a plane?!) and
impressive. The pilot on board was also very informative and you could tell, passionate about being a pilot, the aircraft and the Marine Corps.
The Famous Marine Corps band played for us during a really great lunch at the Bay View Restaurant on MCRD. Beautiful view of the bay and great music followed by a quick Q&A session with the band members. It's said they are sometimes considered unicorns- a musician with the highest skill set in their instrument AND the ability to be a Marine. They are ALL (from the tech to the infantryman to the band member) trained as Marines First. This was a very talented group indeed.
The rest of our afternoon included a Chaplain Brief, Mock Contact to Contract and Female Marine Panel. All were extremely interesting and impressive but what truly stood out to me was the latter. First Sargent, Ronda Porter was a little late to the female Marine panel, as she had prior engagement, so our discussion was in full-swing by the time she walked in.
Have you ever been in a room when someone simply walks in and commands the room without saying a word? That's First Sgt Porter. She carries herself so well, wears the uniform with great pride. Once she was asked a few questions and began to share with the group her experience, we listened. She comes from a very different place than myself, she's served 19 years, earned her Bachelors and Masters degrees and is currently working on her PHD. I truly didn’t know what to think about female Marines until this panel. My final question to the group was, "What has been the highlight of your career as a Marine?" to which First Sgt Porter replied, "Being able to turn a civilians into a Marines. No one can ever take that away from me". It was an honor to shake her hand.
Have you ever been in a room when someone simply walks in and commands the room without saying a word? That's First Sgt Porter. She carries herself so well, wears the uniform with great pride. Once she was asked a few questions and began to share with the group her experience, we listened. She comes from a very different place than myself, she's served 19 years, earned her Bachelors and Masters degrees and is currently working on her PHD. I truly didn’t know what to think about female Marines until this panel. My final question to the group was, "What has been the highlight of your career as a Marine?" to which First Sgt Porter replied, "Being able to turn a civilians into a Marines. No one can ever take that away from me". It was an honor to shake her hand.
The beautiful thing about being from a
Military family is that you’re pretty much free and clear when it comes to purchasing
souvenirs at a particular branch’s gift shop. My brother might like a Marine
shirt but I’m pretty sure he has plenty. Poppa is Retired Army so I’d hate to
waste money there. Cousin just got out of the Navy........So I just got myself some swag instead ;)
The MCRD Museum does have a great gift shop complete with a great selection of magnets (my choice souvenir when traveling because it’s cheap, compact and lightweight). The greatest treasure you'll find in this building, however, is a tour by one of the proudest Retired Marines I've met.
Had LT Leonard Howard, USMC (Ret) been my History teacher, I'd have really learned it. He spoke with such passion, animation and enthusiasm. He spoke of World War 1, World War 2, Korea and then we ran out of time. I could have stayed there and listened to his stories all week! He spoke of his own experiences in combat, of unsung heroes and the pure honor of serving as a United States Marine. Do yourself a favor, if you're ever in SD, GO BY THE MUSEUM at MCRD San Diego.
The MCRD Museum does have a great gift shop complete with a great selection of magnets (my choice souvenir when traveling because it’s cheap, compact and lightweight). The greatest treasure you'll find in this building, however, is a tour by one of the proudest Retired Marines I've met.
Had LT Leonard Howard, USMC (Ret) been my History teacher, I'd have really learned it. He spoke with such passion, animation and enthusiasm. He spoke of World War 1, World War 2, Korea and then we ran out of time. I could have stayed there and listened to his stories all week! He spoke of his own experiences in combat, of unsung heroes and the pure honor of serving as a United States Marine. Do yourself a favor, if you're ever in SD, GO BY THE MUSEUM at MCRD San Diego.
Day #4
team building obstacles. The final leg of The Crucible is a hill called "The Reaper" (no explanation needed) and our dear escort who didn't know the back way to the ceremony site took us straight up the hill in his 4x4 pickup. The thing about the Reaper isn't just that it's steep and rocky... FOUR different times while climbing to the top of your viewing area, you think you're done and when you crest the hill, it keeps going.... Four times that happens. Physical AND mental strength necessary here. Only four hours of sleep each night and 3 MRE's (yuck) to last the entire 54-hour time period.
They marched, group by group over that hill with their DI's, who were with them every step of the way signing their cadence in low, hoarse voices. Dawn was breaking, the ocean coming into site and the fog lifting. It was surreal and brings me to tears to even think about it. This was their moment and they'd done it! Once they dropped their packs and lined up in formation, the commander said a few words, speaking mostly of Iwo Jima and the Marines that stopped fighting just long enough to raise the American Flag.
Then this next generation of Marines was presented with a symbol that will forever change their life. I was humbled to see that the Marines doing the presenting took time to actually talk to every new Marine. They didn't just hand them the pin and move down the line. The commander called the group back to the center and asked one favor...
You've never seen emotion until you've seen 300 young men singing the Marine Corps Hymn for the
first time as new Marines. It was a pretty awful but beautiful sound!
As we were departing, I told him I was going to sneak a banana in my bag for when I got hungry at the range. He smiled and replied, "we had a guy try to sneak peanut butter out of chow hall our second week of boot camp," to which I replied, "Did he get caught? In trouble?"
PVT Ross replies with a somewhat sad look in his eyes, "Yes ma'am, but what's worse, his nickname is now 'peanut butter'."
I have enjoyed shooting and hunting for a long time so I was very excited to go to the range. After they taught me the "prone position", shooting sitting indian-style and shooting while standing, I taught them "shooting while hanging out the window of an F-150", "shooting while your rifle is carefully balanced on your knee because it's your second shot and your deer jumped up and started to run off", and "shooting over the top of a truck from the truck bed" (not really, but that would have been funny seeing as how I've mastered those three...).
Unfortunately the range was completely booked so instead, we used a simulator, which I've never done. My first attempt wasn't the best, scored a 79 and had a few bullets with "personality". However, I was happy with my second and third, rounding out the day with a best of 86. Thankfully, because I heard about seven "I'm watching you, Texas" comments as we were walking in ;) Whew. #TexasForever

We climbed in and on the AAV's which are really interesting vehicles, although I imagine I'd get highly claustrophobic if assigned to one. I walked up to the front of one of the vehicles and looked out of the open turret and saw Old Glory waving away! It was a beautiful site and another one of the moments that made me smile and feel so grateful for this opportunity and for the service and sacrifice of this incredible, elite group of heroes.
We were given a water demonstration and pass and review. It was a little humorous because there were some stand-up paddle boarders that didn't know what the heck was going on when the vehicles entered the water and headed in their direction. Never seen three paddle boarders move so quickly!
After this, we were treated to another opportunity to speak to a panel, this time consisting of Marines with a few more years experience in service. Again, very useful information and again, I was pleasantly surprised with how much education had been a part of each Marine Corps experience. It was refreshing to not only see that so many opportunities are available to our Marines, but also that so many service members are taking advantage of them.
Day #5
Woke up at 0530 and packed up my suitcase. I am usually
extremely exhausted at the end of busy travel weeks but I was strangely sad it
was Friday. Not to say I’d want to keep up this schedule for weeks at a time
but I will definitely miss the ambience of MCRD San Diego.
At 0700 we loaded the charter bus and headed over to the Depot. A Friday morning Colors Ceremony for the families and our group was to last about 45 minutes.
I hit the head (yes, it IS ladylike to say that… I asked) before it began and ran into an older gentleman on the way. We began talking about his grandson who was graduating in a few hours and how proud he was. He told me his son had been in the Navy and so he’d been right here 35 years prior for his son’s boot camp graduation. A Corps steeped rich in tradition.

Then BGen Bierman spoke to the crowd which included our crew and family members of some of the Marines graduating later in the day. His final words to the families really touched me. "I wish I could stand here in front of you and tell you your son will always be safe and never in harms way. I can't." He went on to assure them that he can promise them their son is now part of the most elite service in the best military in the world and that their son will never be sent anywhere without a brother to his right, and a brother to his left.
Our group was then treated to breakfast at the Bay View restaurant (if you're ever in SD around MCRD, check out this really cool spot!) with a word from the General Bierman and SgtMaj James Porterfield. Not gonna lie, I missed it because I was catching up with some friends at HQ but I didn't play any jokes on anyone this time and DID get to meet the two Marines in charge right before they left.
When I arrived at my gate at the airport a few hours later, I congratulated a new Marine standing in line. He was beaming.
I went and lined up to board and then it occurred to me, this young man doesn't even realize he can board early because he is now Active Duty Military! I went and filled him in and, while he boarded after me, I did sneak a note to the pilot who congratulated him over the PA once everyone was seated.
I went and lined up to board and then it occurred to me, this young man doesn't even realize he can board early because he is now Active Duty Military! I went and filled him in and, while he boarded after me, I did sneak a note to the pilot who congratulated him over the PA once everyone was seated.
This young Irish/American lad, PFC Roe sat next to me on the plane and we talked most of the trip home- about both of our experiences. This is a very bright young man. He also shares a love of flying and is also hoping to get his pilot's license. But it was his comments about boot camp that impressed me the most...
"How was the reaper?" I asked him. "It wasn't easy," he grinned, "I had a fellow recruit that needed some help, so we did it together. He had more heart than me though!" which I questioned. He explained, "I was more physically fit than some of them but they kept pushing and kept going, never stopped... It simply means they had to push harder. I look up to them!"
"How was the reaper?" I asked him. "It wasn't easy," he grinned, "I had a fellow recruit that needed some help, so we did it together. He had more heart than me though!" which I questioned. He explained, "I was more physically fit than some of them but they kept pushing and kept going, never stopped... It simply means they had to push harder. I look up to them!"
He then went on about the perseverance and heart of a Marine. "We have the most mission accomplishment of any service
because we never give up. No matter what. Never Give Up." (and then I politely told him he's still speaking very loudly - Boot Camp side effect ;)
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